Group self-awareness – 2023 & 2024
Conceptual background: The self is composed of images we have
And yet the popular excursion destinations such as the dune beaches on the Mediterranean, the Camargue, the picturesque and historically interesting towns such as Sommières, Anduze, Sauve, Uzès, Remoulins, Avignon, Arles, Les Baux de Provence, St. Rémy, Montpellier and Nîmes are close by.
Other activities, depending on the season and your personal wishes, include the following:
MAS VINSON is an old winery, an idyllic oasis in the middle of an enchanting setting with the incomparable flair of southern France.
Since 1981, MAS has been renovated by the two Swiss Nora and Walti Kaiser, with respect for the original architectural style.
Conceptual background: The self is composed of images we have
For our guests, an old wine cellar (130 m2) has
F-30350 Moulézan
Mobile +41 79 355 53 79
Tel. +33 4 66 77 88 70
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Nach Absprache und gegen Bezahlung kann der achtsame Umgang mit Pferden direkt in MAS VINSON gelernt werden. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie man Pferde putzt, mit ihnen pferdegerecht umgeht und sie an der Hand führt. Falls die Reiter nicht schwerer als 60 kg sind, können auch kleine, geführte Ausritte in unserer wunderschönen Natur gemacht werden. Die beiden Pferde Xique und Rana sind wunderbare Lehrmeister.
By arrangement and for a fee, the mindful handling of horses can be learned directly at MAS VINSON. You will learn how to clean horses, handle them in a horse-friendly way and lead them by hand. If the riders are not heavier than 60 kg, small guided rides in our beautiful nature can also be made. The two horses Xique and Rana are wonderful teachers.